
Oral Cancer Myths and Facts: What You Should Know

Oral cancer is a serious health issue, yet many people don’t know the facts. Myths and misunderstandings can lead to unnecessary fears or even delays in getting help. Dr. Nikhil Mitkar, a cancer surgeon specializing in head and neck cancer, shares some common myths and the truth behind them to help everyone stay informed.

Myth 1: Only Smokers Get Oral Cancer

Myth 2: Oral Cancer Only Affects Older People

Myth 3: Oral Cancer is Rare

Myth 4: Only Heavy Drinkers Need to Worry

Myth 5: Oral Cancer is Easy to Detect Early

Myth 6: Oral Cancer Mostly Affects Men

Myth 7: You Don’t Need a Doctor Unless It Hurts

Myth 8: Good Oral Hygiene Can Prevent Oral Cancer

Final Thoughts

Knowing the facts about oral cancer can make a big difference. Regular check-ups, a healthy lifestyle, and an understanding of symptoms can help with early detection and prevention. Dr. Nikhil Mitkar encourages everyone to stay informed and proactive about oral health.

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